Everyday person fed up with my day to day life and job determined to change things for the better for me and my family - follow me on my journey and join me by making a change in your life for the better. Set yourself free...

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Follow me on Snapchat: lifechanger2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

20 Feet

Can I jump 20 feet? Well can I ? I dont know, but over the next couple of weeks Im going to find out. At the moment its not a metaphor for reaching my goals or making my ambitions (it may possibly develop into this as time goes on). Its quite literally what it says on the tin!! A Long Jump challenge that will test my ability to jump a covering distance of 20 feet? I dont know how I've come up with the idea but its a challenge to me now and Im grasping it with open arms.... The distance 20 feet is 6 metres which is quite a substantial distance. I have been trying to strengthen my legs for the last few weeks with squats and some Deadlifting. I have absolutely no previous experience of The Long Jump and have never attempted it before but now that my decision is made and I have talked about it here and put it on paper - or in this instance electronic form, its somehow making my re solve stronger and myself more determined to at the very least take up the challenge and then hopefully overcome/beat it. I have looked at some Long Jump results in competition close to home and there are athletes jumping 5/6/7 metres in competitions around the midlands. The tricky part for me when setting the distance was to somehow come up with a pretty realistic goal. Now I cant say whether Ive done that or not but the great thing about life is that I can surely give it a good go and see how close or how far I get to the 20 feet. Bear in mind the world record for this event in Elite competition is 8m 95 set by Mike Powell in 1991 (29 ft 41⁄4).
I will post some pics of training, progress and results as I get them to hand. Apologies for lack or paragraphs, for some reason they dont seem to work.... :)

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