Everyday person fed up with my day to day life and job determined to change things for the better for me and my family - follow me on my journey and join me by making a change in your life for the better. Set yourself free...

Follow me on Snapchat: lifechanger2016

Follow me on Snapchat: lifechanger2016

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Now On Snapchat

I am now on snapchat - add me folks to get all the latest info on my daily routine, pics, videos and progress on my 20 foot jump challenge. Send me some feedback and let me know what you think. Cheers everyone, should have a pretty good post up sometime tomorrow on my activities for this coming week. All the best for now and please remember : Believe in Yourself!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Where its come from

For a while now I have been threatening to change things, every couple of days or so I would find myself overcome with inspiration and say to myself " this is it" " I'm going to change my life from now" only to find myself not acting on my impulses, staying rooted to the ground , and carrying on with my usual Mundane routine. Nothing was happening, nothing was changing.. The inspiration wud appear for that moment and then disappear into the oblivion. This was where I wanted things to change, I wanted results, I wanted progress and to be able to track my progress. For this reason I set up the blog : an answer to my demons , the ones who didn't believe I could change, the same ones we all have. Now I could chart my progress, write about my feelings, my struggles, my demons, the times when we all can think :- is it possible ?? Well it IS possible - you just got to believe in yourself and believe that you have what it takes. It sounds like a cliché and I suppose it is, what I mean is - that your willing to have the courage to change, possibly the courage to tell people that your changing. Maybe consider a blog. I haven't actually went public with my blog yet - as in nobody knows who I am but that will come in time and I'm looking forward to that. I write in paragraphs and they don't seem to be working... Can anyone help me with this???

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Stay on Track...

Hi There, Hope everyone is well and you are all thinking about (which is better than not thinking about) getting your life on track. It may think time to turn everything fully around but if you set this as one of your top goals, then you really will make that goal. Take charge of your destiny and stop rolling with what you've got. You can change things and do a lot better for yourself, it just takes a bit of determination and some positive thinking!! Be inspired, be successful, be popular, be kind and generous and inspire yourself which will in turn inspire those who come in contact with you. ( This is all Im doing )

Thursday, February 11, 2016

What Else Am I Doing????

Part of being the new me has been to set a few challenges for myself so Im just going to give a short list: 1. I have decided to learn Spanish and I am using a great new app called Duolingo. Its pretty simple to use and you can set the amount of time you want to spend using it, so if you only want 10 mins a day then thats what you can do.
2. Im learning to play the banjo. My Late Mother gave me a banjo as a Christmas present some years ago and I had never really bothered with it. Maybe picked it up a few times a year and go at it for 4/5 weeks then forget about it for another few months. At the moment Im making a very concious effort to practice most days and attend lessons when I can. It is a truly magnificent instrument capable of such amazing sounds and notes!! I still marvel at the music that can be played and hope and believe that one day soon I will be able to do likewise. The goal I have set with the banjo entails meself travelling to a particular city in my country to spend an afternoon busking on a street. Really looking forward to this!!!!
3. I spoke of my Long Jump challenge in my last post but this is probably my most challenging as in, with the others I know I can overcome the odds and succeed if I put the work and dedication in, but this one I have never jumped in my life so Im not so sure if the target I've set myself is a little out of reach... I am a determined person however and I'm going to make it my business to give it a right good go. Im going to organise to give it my first shot next week, I shall see how much work I have ahead of me - so watch out next week for some updates.
4. Exercise daily, in the morning preferably, a combination of Gym Work and 10 mile run. This really is so important to me and will give me the zest and craving for the fit life I need. At the minute I go to the Gym and am reasonably fit but I intend to increase this gradually as the days and months progress. There is such a feel good factor in going for a decent run and the endorphins released in doing so is a Kin to getting an injection of "Feel Good Juice" - Trust me folks - any of you who have never run please go try it, dont say you cant your not fit, just do a small bit everyday even if you have to start off with walking briskly. Get on it. There are so many things for us to do out there: In life : and we can all do them dont forget: Embrace life, live it , love it, dont waste a single second of it and your attitude like mine must be "Yes Im able, Yes I can, Yes I will" There are so many more things to tell you all about but all in good time...
Im eager to hear from anyone reading my posts or anyone that has any questions for me. Dont forget I am exactly like you, I work, I worry, I sweat, I smell, lol and I shower but what Im saying is that Im just going for it. There are only obstacles in your way if you let them be in your way - you jump over them and you're on to the next one. Comment and give me some feedback, I'd be delighted to hear from you.... Bee

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

20 Feet

Can I jump 20 feet? Well can I ? I dont know, but over the next couple of weeks Im going to find out. At the moment its not a metaphor for reaching my goals or making my ambitions (it may possibly develop into this as time goes on). Its quite literally what it says on the tin!! A Long Jump challenge that will test my ability to jump a covering distance of 20 feet? I dont know how I've come up with the idea but its a challenge to me now and Im grasping it with open arms.... The distance 20 feet is 6 metres which is quite a substantial distance. I have been trying to strengthen my legs for the last few weeks with squats and some Deadlifting. I have absolutely no previous experience of The Long Jump and have never attempted it before but now that my decision is made and I have talked about it here and put it on paper - or in this instance electronic form, its somehow making my re solve stronger and myself more determined to at the very least take up the challenge and then hopefully overcome/beat it. I have looked at some Long Jump results in competition close to home and there are athletes jumping 5/6/7 metres in competitions around the midlands. The tricky part for me when setting the distance was to somehow come up with a pretty realistic goal. Now I cant say whether Ive done that or not but the great thing about life is that I can surely give it a good go and see how close or how far I get to the 20 feet. Bear in mind the world record for this event in Elite competition is 8m 95 set by Mike Powell in 1991 (29 ft 41⁄4).
I will post some pics of training, progress and results as I get them to hand. Apologies for lack or paragraphs, for some reason they dont seem to work.... :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Where has this all come from I hear you ask? Well the honest answer is ... I don't know! But for a long while now I have realised that I haven't reached my full potential as a human being. This potential ( that we all have by the way ) is burning away inside me, roaring to get out and time is ticking, life is short :-so it's high time I jumped off off my ass and got the ball rolling in the right direction. There are so many ways, routes, avenues,and channels I am about to explore on this journey and I hope you will come with me and be able to feel it from the blog with me. The quality of my writing hopefully will be good enough most of the time to convey exactly what is happening, and I will endeavour to do my best on the structure and context of everything that is being writtin - the road is long so make sure to bear with me as I go. I have gained a lot of inspiration recently from two well known people : Tim Ferris - a best selling author, podcaster, and investor among many other things. Please check him out www.fourhourworkweek.com. Also Rich Roll a vegan Sportstar who took control of his life on his 40th birthday and has now become a fitness and health and well being promoter as well as one of the fittest men in the world. www.richroll.com - his story is particularly inspiring and his journey most notable. There are other names including a book called ' The Slight Edge ' by Jeff Olsen which my brother recommended to me. Tony Robbins another.