Everyday person fed up with my day to day life and job determined to change things for the better for me and my family - follow me on my journey and join me by making a change in your life for the better. Set yourself free...

Follow me on Snapchat: lifechanger2016

Follow me on Snapchat: lifechanger2016

Sunday, January 31, 2016

It was the first anniversary of my mothers death yesterday so we had a mass for her in the local Church followed by some tea and sandwiches in my fathers house. There were plenty of friends and relations on hand and though the house is small we managed to chat , drink tea and have a bit of a laugh. My mother would have loved being there, meandering her way through the crowds introducing different people to each other and having a great chat and kind word for everyone. I think some of the reason I have changed my outlook on life, and decided to make a change is down to both my mother, and her death. I have kind of .. we'll say waddled through life so far and been content to breeze along. But In the last few months I've been thinking a lot, how short life can be and how unfair it can be. So while I'm still young - 36 - lol it's all relative, I'm going to give this a right good go. There are so many people who are out there unable to change the position they find themselves. I still have the power to change so that's what I'm about to do.
Please follow me and my story and hopefully you can gain inspiration, change your attitude and create a path for yourself in living the life you crave and gaining all you want from it. Don't forget , anything is possible and believe in yourself...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What a bad morning out there! The rain beating down on the pavement as I look out into the darkness, these dark January morning are very hard to motivate ones self, because of the usual bad weather and the winter time effect of the Clocks mainly. Not so easy to say to ones self "Oh Im going for my early morning run". Its just not appealing, cant see where you're going, getting splashed, getting wet and generally feeling like shite! Give me a lovely sunny bright morning in Spring or Summer - instantly your head is in a different place. You look out and see the sun rising over the hills and the clouds forming perfectly with birds singing in the background. Its a lot easier to rise early from that cosy bed, don the runners and go for that 10 mile run you've always been promising yourself. Not happening today anyway - and heres why:

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Hi there, Welcome to my first blogpost. Im writing this blog because Im about to change my life and I want you to come on the journey with me. Who knows how long it will last and where it will lead, but its sure to be very interesting and maybe you can take some inspiration from it. There are a few different tasks and goals I have set for myself for this year and going forward, and I will add and take away from these as I see fit. I have become tired of my life the way it is at present and I want to experience more. Chat soon! Im excited ... And it feels good !