Everyday person fed up with my day to day life and job determined to change things for the better for me and my family - follow me on my journey and join me by making a change in your life for the better. Set yourself free...

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Follow me on Snapchat: lifechanger2016

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Get out and do it!!!!!

Hi guys, I've been thinking again and have again become inspired, I think its time I showed you guys what im talking about when I say " anything is possible " Its actually true and I'm delighted that I have realised. If you put enough hard work into anything - serious blood, sweat and tears you are truly capable of almost anything in this world and to be honest I think ( I hadn't really realised up until now) this is where my blog is going.) Kind of similar to my 20 foot challenge Its just to show and prove to you guys that anything and everything is possible when you put the sacrifice in.

 Again I know I'm probably repeating myself from previous posts but I want you guys to be inspired by this. Read it AGAIN -- You can do it! believe in yourself. You can make the change / difference in your life, that thing that is holding you back, overcome it! Beat it! When your seventy years of age and you look back at yourself and you'll realise , yes I could have done it, why was I so afraid? Look how beautiful I was, look how fit/strong/energetic,hopeful,kind etc etc the list is endless. Im here to give you hope - after this challenge I will continue to challenge myself. You should try the same, join me in my quest to live life to the full. Here is a fantastic portion of a speech given by Jim Carey: Its excellent!

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