Everyday person fed up with my day to day life and job determined to change things for the better for me and my family - follow me on my journey and join me by making a change in your life for the better. Set yourself free...

Follow me on Snapchat: lifechanger2016

Follow me on Snapchat: lifechanger2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Finally I have completed my long jump and although I did not quite mange 20 feet, I did jump 16 1/2 feet (5 meters) which I'm pretty happy with. It was my first ever attempt at the long jump and was in the middle of my night shift week, way down on sleep deposits. 

My goal now is to complete 7 meters which is roughly 23 feet. So 7 feet to make up. Is it possible? Of Course it is! Slightly ambitious I hear you say but no, in my eyes its not impossible and with some hard training, and a standard long jump technique put in place it is viable. I feel with training, guidence and a positive attitude - determination and dedication I can make 7 meters. 

Here is the jump, apologies on the quality of video. I transferred to a few different devices and so lost some quality.

I have just glanced aside on my work station and see a headline in todays paper refering to Glasgow Cetics football match tonight v  Borussia Monchengladbach, it reads "Home comforts remain central to further progress for Rodgers' 'ego-free' boys"
If in fact the article is accurate and Celtic are ego free at the moment, which is a rarity in todays ego driven game, its really refreshing to see. In my eyes modesty, and humility run hand in hand and are great traits for a sportsperson to have. I do not feel its my duty to say that I have these great attributes but maybe ask someone that knows me and hopefully Im pretty close in that regard. In my opinion no matter how successful you are (or not) as a sportsperson its always nice to be grounded, and not have your head in the sky about your own importance.

Ok I will try now for the next couple of months to update the blog more often, as I have not been getting around to it half often enough. There is a really big push on in my zone now to reach the next level in my plan, and this will take considerable dedication and commitment. I have rejoined my gym after an 8 month lay off so looking forward to getting trimmed up (more about that in the next post).

I still have the opportunity to jump 20 feet, no im not breaking the rules, I own the blog , I make the f***ing rules!!! 
Later..... :)